Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Rishi Devra



Note this web page should be read in conjunction with other web pages on this website i.e. The Fake Bio, The Secret Weapon, The Lies, The Narcissist, Evidence of Insanity, Fake Miracle Cures, Fake Career Opportunities and Fake Testimonials.


Scores of victims of mental and physical abuse, theft, fraud, extortion and violent assault.  Many threats of murder, attempted murder and, if ex-husband Jack West is to be believed several murders including Lisa Swidler in 2005.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Some of the victims from Patton ‘World Service’ efforts in Montana.  We suspect that this is the tip of the iceberg as anyone becoming a member of Patton West’s cult was treated like livestock and ‘harvested’ by the Master Abuser when needed.

Let us review in chronological order the crimes committed by this ruthless violent criminal currently who has masqueraded as a minor deity in New Mexico, Montana and currently in Arizona. 


We know certain facts about what Devra Patton West and her then husband, Jack West, were doing prior to 1990. We know from witness Jeremy Samuelsson that Devra and Jack West were both small time con artists defrauding individual victims out of several thousands of dollars at a time; Jeremy was defrauded out of $10,000 by the couple. We know from another victim, Satya who attended The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery in 1990 to 1991 with Devra West, that she too was defrauded out of $6,000 by Devra West. We also know that Satya described Devra West as a deeply troubled psychopathic person/personality. We also know that prior to 1990, both Jack & Devra West were pot growers, drug dealers and that Devra West’s only business venture went bankrupt. At some point, Devra West decided to combine her prolific substance abuse and ventures into altered states of reality with formal energy training and so enrolled in a course of training at the energy mastery school mentioned above here. Upon completing her training in 1991,

Devra West declared herself to be an Ascended Master and that anyone not agreeing was ‘blocking the energies.’ It is obvious from her actions (Ye shall know them by their fruits) that Devra West, with the full cooperation of her husband Jack West, used the occult (hidden) knowledge she had acquired, not for the good of humanity, but to leverage her life long criminal tendencies. It is said that a leopard cannot change its spots it is clear that Devra West could not change hers either! It appears that Devra West adopted some of the bad practices she learned at The Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery, itself a cult, when creating her own cult which was built around her self-proclaimed divinity. Below, is an excerpt from a website entitled ‘Cult Education Institute’ by following the link you can review statements given by those who escaped from that cult. Here is an excerpt from one ex-cult member.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In the group we were urged to adopt Islam as our religion. I took that seriously and set about learning the five times-a-day prayers, etc. I became extremely straight-laced and wore a scarf on my head as much as possible, since I was told I needed to protect against astral beings. On top of following Islamic practices, we were given a number of Sufi practices, such as chanting in Arabic thousands of times each morning and evening. It was quite time-consuming. And we were often asked to participate in costly events and give sizable donations to the group. [Ex-members of Devra West’s cult will know this happened regularly to them.] We were told that all sorts of things were "against God". Things like Reiki healing, which I had been involved in for some years. Over time I would learn that homosexuality and eastern religions were also "against God". By then, I had become quite disgusted with all that was being asked of me and I wrote an email to Dr. Jaffe announcing that I was leaving the path. Jaffe responded months later and threatened that I could become sick and die from something like cancer for leaving. That did not happen. Instead, I discovered some years later that Jaffe's own wife got ill with cancer and died from it. [Ex-members of West’s cult who went public will know about sudden deaths and threats of murder.]

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above:  The occult (hidden) knowledge that Patton West acquired at the Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery gave psychopath Patton West two things. 1. A hidden weapon not recognized under legal statute as a weapon (a license to kill with impunity).  2. An education on how to form and run a cult using occult knowledge to dazzle the sheeple and then control them.

So to summarize, in Devra West, we have someone who prior to 1990 was a drug addict / drug dealer, a bankrupt and a small time con artist and who, post 1991, declared herself to be a minor deity.  And, totally mirroring the behavior she learned at the Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery, formed a personality cult around herself. And just as in the Jaffe School, those inside her cult were subject to a strict code of discipline and forced to fund raise and make large donations to fund her expensive lifestyle. And, just as we learned from the witness statement above where Robert Jaffe threatened death to his ex-student who left his cult, Devra West is known to use the exact same strategy against those members of her own cult who oppose her, go public about her criminality or who refuse to empty their bank accounts into hers in a timely manner.  Hence when student Lisa Swidler fled the cult in 2005, after witnessing Patton West commit two serious crimes against two of her students, she was murdered by Patton West.  This perfectly mirrors what the witness above reported was threatened by Robert Jaffe at his school / cult.


Not much is known about the names of victims in New Mexico just that there were some.  The only source of information about Patton West’s activities in New Mexico comes from Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Her friend Rebecca West (no relation to Devra west) made the following statement to the Flathead Lake County Sheriff’s Office in 2007.

I am the Office Manager of Surya Enterprises Unlimited Inc., which is owned by Devra Patton West.  This statement is written in support of Patricia M. Cole MD whom Devra assaulted on several occasions. Several co-workers witnessed seeing bruises on her body in various locations from before the April 16, 2006 beating and my arrival May 1, 2006 leading up to the latest assault on October 12, 2006, misdemeanor assault charge still pending. This last assault was reported on October 13, 2006 to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.  Honorable Judge Ortley granted Patricia a six-year order of protection and ordered Devra West to return her personal files, which belong to her by delivering them to Attorney Jack Quatman’s office.


I have firsthand knowledge that these files were copied and not returned, because as the Office Manager I was directed to do so by Devra, along with my co-workers: Wendy Stuart, Heidi Escalante, and Gail Duran. I have also found many originals since Patricia’s departure, which contain confidential information and are currently accessible to office personal.


These files contain Pat’s personal records, bank records, trust fund documents, and the documents that are Pat’s as Sole-Proprietor of Surya Institute of Systemic Healing. Pat is also President of two non-profit organizations: Circle of Divine Unity Aka Sacred Archives Institute, and Global Guardianship Initiative and Devra has the legal and financial files which belong to her and contain: court documents, bank records, articles of incorporation, minutes to meetings, etc. The many boxes are stored at the office and in two storage facilities (2 units at Lakeside Mini-storage and Acorn Storage in Woods Bay, Big Fork) and at 525 Political Hill, Lakeside. These files include statements by persons who previously worked for Devra West, citing dozens of abuses and dating back to 1995 in New Mexico (most are already court documents on record in Ravalli County, MT). At least 6 boxes of these files were recently removed from Attorney Karl Rudbach’s Kalispell office, all belonging to the non-profits (Pat Cole).


In addition, Patricia Cole contributed some $750,000 combined assets and credit directly into Devra’s personal and private accounts to pay for her living, housing, travel, staff payroll, personal assets, extravagant lifestyle, and bounced checks/fines. The information contained in these files may be relevant to Pat Cole’s civil suit and Devra’s non-compliance with the Judge’s order constitutes withholding or potentially tampering with evidence. 


I am not going to be held responsible or further victimized by Devra West.


On March 1, 2007 I listened along with my co-worker to Patricia talk about her abuse by Devra to Attorney Amy Poehling Eddy.  I was completely appalled and disgusted at Devra’s abuse of Patricia.  The beatings and mental abuse occurred over an extended period of time and repeatedly.  Last week I saw police photographs, which were taken of Patricia’s injuries sustained from only two of the beatings.  I was interrogated by Devra for nearly 1-½ hours over these photos and verbally assaulted both at the office for days and again for some 40 minutes on Friday, February 23, 2007.  I have not returned to work since this date and on March 1st asked the Financial Controller, Geoffrey Reynolds to lay me off and instructed him to tell Devra to stay away from me and I will not talk to her at this time.


Upon filing and reviewing the legal and financial files recently removed from Attn. Rudbach’s office, I discovered close to 30 statements which contain a multitude of both verbal and physical assault accusations written by former students and employees and it is stated more than once that there are some 40 accounts which clearly represent the pattern at which she operates. Her verbal and physical abuse and many labor relation issues extend over many years at the Naka Shela Retreat Center near Victor, MT, into Bigfork and currently 306 Stoner Loop Road, Lakeside.  Upon recently talking about this situation with Patricia, I became appraised there were at least three other women physically assaulted since moving to Bigfork in the fall of 2003.


Devra is living at 525 Political Hill Drive and this place is foreclosing on the 8th of March 07. 




Rebecca J. West


298 Burns Street

Somers. MT 59932 



In 2002 the John Watson was recruited as a business consultant by Patton West via a meditation group her then husband, Jack West was chairing weekly at the cult’s compound Victor MT.  Of course at the time John Watson had no idea it was a cult having been fed the ‘divine being’ bullshit about Patton West and her desire to save the planet.  This approach has been used by her for 28 plus years and although there is zero evidence of a single cent of the millions of dollars raised going to good causes no one investigates because the cult is sworn to secrecy on p[ain of severe consequences including death.  Because the Millennia Mind Corporation that Watson was setting up (along with several non-profits) was a ‘start up’ there were no funds available for him to be paid with.  Watson agreed to work for six months on the basis that he would be paid out of the start-up capital to be injected by a third ‘shareholder’ after the corporations had been set up.  After completing the work he had been tasked with in August 2002 Watson was told by Patton West that God had spoken to her the night before and told her that share holdings were a thing of the past.  She went on to explain that because of this ‘divine’ message he would not be getting the 22% shareholding In Millennia Mind nor the 6 months’ pay she had promised.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above left to right: Patton West an occult killer masquerading as a guru.  Student Lisa Swidler murdered by Patton West in 2005.  Student Marion Cantwell kidnapped, held captive, beaten, relieved of tens of thousands of dollars and told not to go to the police or she would be murdered.  Student Dr. Pat Cole MD viciously assaulted and her entire net worth estimated at $1.3 million extorted from her.  John Watson defrauded, the subject of a failed murder plot and a conspiracy to bankrupt him.  All because he succesfully sued her for fraud and went public about Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering business model that relies on the public believing her lies.

Watson considered his position for several months then announced his decision to sue Patton West for fraud.  Immediately after his announcement Patton West requested a private meeting with the whistleblower at his home in March 2003 Unbeknown to Devra West, and fearing some kind of a stunt by Patton West, the Watson recorded their meeting on a digital tape recorder.  During the meeting Patton West admitted defrauding Watson but did not see herself writing out a cheque for what she owed him (see item (2) below).  She also threatened him, tried to intimidate him and conspired with others to murder him and when that failed conspired with others to bankrupt him.  Below here are excerpts from a 46 minute conversation John Watson had with Patton West in March 2003. You can listen to the entire conversation by going here.  You can tell a lot about a person by listening to what they are saying and the manner in which they are saying it.  

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

1.  Devra West refers to John Watson as ‘Prince Charming.’
2.  West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!
3.  West acknowledges that she is a control freak and admits to disposing of people like used Kleenex.
4.  John Watson advises that she will not do the same to him.
5.  West goes berserk and in an expletive laden tirade accuses the whistleblower of exploiting her vulnerability!  This behavior proves beyond doubt that Devra West is criminally insane.  
6.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.
7. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that West pay her the $50,000 she owes him.  West has an emotional melt down and leaves in hysterics!
8. The truth does not matter (if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth).

Watson was granted judgment by a Montana court in 2008 after the judge found her guilty of defrauding him.  Watson was awarded $736,000 in damages and costs.  Watson never received a penny of this judgment because Patton West, with the support of Dr. Julio E Williams’ money and Geoffrey Reynolds’ lies (both senior members of her cult) conspired to use multiple frivolous lawsuits against Watson with the objective of bankrupting him.  This is explained below.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In 2005, student Lisa Swidler died mysteriously after witnessing two serious crimes that were committed by Patton West against students David Kushner and Marion Cantwell. Dave Kushner was defrauded out of $30,000 and Marion Cantwell was kidnapped, held captive and had tens of thousands of dollars extorted from her.  When finally released, she was told not to go to the police or she would be murdered. 

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: If you compare what Patton West has done over the past 28 years or so it becomes obvious that her website and Facebook pages are full of lies and propaganda.  All intended to attract spiritual seekers like the moths to the flame with many, after brainwashing and conditioning, becoming victims of racketeering and if they go public murder.

In March 2007 John Watson, by then turned whistleblower, had started receiving a series of emails sent by Patton West’s office manager Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West). The emails made it clear that Patton West then located near Kalispell MT was running the same cult / criminal racketeering business model as she had in Victor MT. One aspect of which was to offer fake ‘career opportunities’ to applicants from all over the country who, upon arrival as ‘successful’ applicants were given a 20% pay cut and told that the health benefits she offered were not available.  For the next 90 days applicants were subject to brainwashing and conditioning in an attempt to force them to become low paid or no paid slaves in her cult.  Those that refused to ‘submit’ to the will of the Master Abuser were summarily dismissed before reaching the 90 day period after which she would have to pay employment insurance.  Below here is an excerpt from Rebecca’s harrowing email entitled ‘Help Me’ you can read this email by going here.  

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred. She sent her intimidating demand of me through her finance controller last evening, and I have until 5 p.m. today to talk to her. I must return and either give a 2-week notice and/or plan to be demoted from office manager to some other lowly position, (seems from historical accounting, I would become her personal care assistant).  

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Evil does not begin to describe Patton West.  A pathological liar, dangerous and violent psychopath and a narcissist.  For 28 plus years Patton West has used occult (hidden) knowledge to leverage her criminal tendencies committing scores of serious crimes including theft, fraud, extortion violent assaults and perhaps multiple murders.  Having run rings around her victims, the authorities and law enforcement for nearly three decades Patton West believes herself to be a minor deity to be worshipped.

Go here to review the full Statement of Fact submitted by Carlida Finch.  Go here to read her request for Redetermination. And here to read her letter from the Flathead County Attorney’s Office.

The crimes being committed against employees by Patton West break both state and federal laws.  Crimes include theft, fraud, extortion, violent assault and forcing employees to join a cult.  To sum up just how huge Patton West’s criminal conspiracy was (and still is).  These are just some of the victims of crime at Patton West’s hands between 2005 & 2010 in Montana. 

The victims listed below are from when she operated out of Victor MT between 1995 & 2005 as the Ascended Master Devra Ji.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

A J White – Charity Board Member and witness to fraud.
The whistleblower – Consultant defrauded out of wages and shares.
Barbara Costantino – Personal Secretary and witness to Devra West’s attempts at ‘rewriting’ history so as to blame each victim expelled from the cult.
Tania Hurley – House keeper who was convinced that Devra West was / is insane.
Kathleen Francisco – Assistant house keeper and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
Diane Stoner – Personal secretary and witness to Devra West’s criminality.
Kendall Strnad – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
Jamie Haywood – Devra West’s daughter in law and the victim of occult attacks.
Carlida Finch – Employee given the option to join the cult or be fired and witness to Devra West’s plan to murder Dr. Pat Cole MD.
Debra Coffey – Assistant Teacher and witness to the mental and physical abuse meted out by Devra West towards students targeted for extortion.
Ingrid Smith – Teacher and witness to cruelty meted out to amongst others her 6 year old son.
Rebekah Edminster – Teacher witness to cruelty towards students and employees by Devra West.
Judy Morris – Student that alleges that many students were pressured into taking take out loans to give money to Devra West apparently being told that the more money they gave the closer to God they would be!
Elaine – Student who speaks to the $250,000 emerald necklace she saw Devra West wearing and the fact that she believes that she has millions stashed away.
Susannah Felder – Employee partially scalped after being assaulted by Devra West.
Beatrice McGuire – Student who had her ear partially ripped off for challenging Devra West’s lies in public.
Anandra George – Student repeatedly physically abused and forced to write false statements about the whistleblower that Devra West intended to use in court.
Lisa Swidler – Student / Teacher probably murdered by Devra West to keep her quiet about two serious crimes she witnessed against other students.
Mike Hendrickson – Student defrauded out of $200,000 by Devra West when the overdraft he guaranteed at the charity’s bank was emptied into a personal trust fund for Devra West and her eldest son Rob Meador.
Dave Kushner – Student defrauded out of $30,000.
Joseph Costantino – defrauded out of $20,000 in wages; after fighting Devra West at tribunal agreed to settle at 50 cents on the dollar.
22. Marion Cantwell – Student kidnapped, held captive and beaten until she agreed to give up part of the sale proceeds of her house (tens of thousands of dollars?) to Devra West as a ‘donation.’ 

The victims listed below are from when she operated out of Victor MT between 2005 & 2010 as the Ascended Master Surya Ma.  

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

1. Arrest Warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.
2. Conviction for Assaulting Dr. Cole MD & News Articleannouncing same.
3. Becoming the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court judgments and interest.
4. Whistle-blower’s judgment against Devra West for fraud.
5. Defendant in fraud case brought by Larry Brazda and others.
6. Defendant in fraud case brought by ‘Top to Bottom’ Construction.
7. Vicious Assaults on female members of her cult i.e. Susannah Felder, Beatrice McGuire and Dr. Pat Cole MD.
8. The Students who took out loans for Devra West after being told, “They would be closer to God.”
9. West’s son’s criminal record. Like mother like son?
10. Arrest Warrant for felony theft.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Appearing in court as a witness for her son on July 12 2007 Patton West was asked about the whistleblower’s website.  Counsel, while interviewing Patton West, stated that the person the website was dedicated was her, wasn’t it?  And then referred to the names on the website that allege cruelty at the hands of Patton West.  To which Patton West stated, “Yes but you should know that they are all fabricated and most are fictitious.”  You know when Patton West is lying her lips are moving. Below is an excerpt from the transcript of the custody hearing at which Patton West gave evidence. 

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The lawsuit Patton West referred to that she was waiting to serve on the whistleblower had to wait until 2010 to be served.  The whistleblower has never been a journalist nor has he ever been associated with tabloid publications in London.  Like we said above you know when she is lying her lips are moving! 

You will learn a lot about Patton West’s vile true nature by reviewing the three parts of the custody transcript.  Part 1 is where Patton West gives her evidence on behalf of her son – 90% of which was lies.  Part 2 is where Jamie Haywood, Patton West’s son’s estranged wife, gives her evidence some of which shows just how depraved Patton West and her son were / are.  The final section, Part 3, deals with other witness statements like the one given by Geoffrey Reynolds CPA who only moved from California to Montana to work for Patton West in September 2006 and yet by July 2007 he was a (fake) character witness for West’s son.  This probably had something to do with the fact that shortly after commencing his employment with Patton West he made the mistake of loaning her $300,000 and thereafter when she said jump he said how high!

Below are a list of her employees many of whom have given written and audio statements about Patton West’s cruelty.  These are the employees that Patton West said were fabricated or fictitious.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

 Every single one of these people was a victim.

You can review their statements by going to the ‘Documents Library’ and ‘Audio Library’ pages of this website.  The ‘Devra West’ entry above ‘Recorded Confession’ March 2003 relates to the conversation between Patton West and John Watson referred to above.

Below here are evidence of more crimes.  Some of the documents are legal documents issued by the courts and some are newspaper articles.  I suspect Patton West will say they are fabricated or fictitious.


In 2007, Patton West admitted her guilt in respect of a lawsuit brought against her by Brazda Life.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In 2008 Patton West was the subject of an arrest warrant for Criminal Check Fraud.  Below is the front page of the warrant.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In 2008 Patton West was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD.  A copy of the scanned court documents can be viewed by going here.  Below here is an article published in the Whitefish Pilot newspaper in April 2008.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In 2008 Patton West was found guilty of defrauding the whistleblower John Watson.  The decision was published via an article in the Ravalli Republic newspaper.  Below is a copy of the Judge’s decision and a copy of the award for costs and damages can be viewed by going here.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


In 2008 Patton West was the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to sell her all her assets (the ones not hidden away in a lock up) at auction to pay past creditors of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In February 2019 Patton West and her son Chris Haywood appeal against defrauding Top to Bottom Construction was denied and they were both found guilty of fraud.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

It is worth noting that Chris Haywood has a criminal record for Forgery, Substance Abuse and traffic Violations.  Like mother like son?

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

It is worth noting also that Chris Haywood made a claim against an insurance company for damages after allegedly being injured in a car accident (see below).  The problem with his story is that a neighbour saw him wake boarding up Flathead Lake MT shortly after his claim was paid out.  You can listen to an audio recording of the neighbor Michelle Fetveit’s statement about this matter by going here.   As a bonus the neighbor became aware that after getting into a dispute with Patton West over water rights she started to be woken up at 3.00 am and was obviously being targeted by Patton West using occult knowledge.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In December 2009 Patton West was the subject of a second arrest warrant this time for Felony Theft.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


2004 Massive Charity Fraud – The Circle of Divine Unity.

The whistleblower, a business consultant, was constructively dismissed and defrauded by Patton West in August 2002 immediately after a meeting he had with her at which he pointed out that she was breaking the law in several respects.  Long story short she was taking in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in donations from the public supposedly to be used for the projects she was espousing.  In reality Patton West and her husband at the time, Jack West, were using the charity’s bank account as their own personal bank account with zero dollars going on the projects.  Patton West was living like royalty on those funds employing servants and cooks to serve her special diets etc.  The whistleblower recounted one incident where Patton West missed her plane to Israel because she was buying a $2,000 pearl necklace at the duty free shop on the charity’s credit card!

After deciding to sue Patton West for fraud the whistleblower wrote to the Secretary of State for <Montana and shared the evidence of fraud that he had compiled.  In January of 2004 Patton West’s charity was struck off the Montana charity register.  You can review the Revocation Certificate by going here.  Patton West was already making several visits to court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits and so after her charity was struck off for fraud Patton West decided to hide as many assets as possible in preparation for the day when she might be forced by the courts to pay her creditors.

1. The theft of the charity’s main asset a mansion sitting on 20 acres. 

The law in Montana is very clear if a charity is struck off for fraud the assets of the charity are to be shared amongst other Montana charities.  This did not happen in the case of Patton West’s criminal business container, ‘The Circle of Divine Unity.’  Instead Patton West, who had put several fake loans in place that made it look like the charity owed Patton West millions, stole the charities assets.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The main asset was a property worth $1,250,000 in 2002.  Remember this was largely paid for by public donations everyone believing the property belonged to the charity when in reality with the fake loans in place for several years Patton West was just waiting for the right moment to defraud the charity.  Patton West put the above property inside a personal trust fund for herself and her eldest son Rob Meador.  In 2008 a judge ‘broke open’ the trust and the property was sold at a Sheriff’s Sale to force Patton West to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.  Also in 2004 Patton West stole $4,000,000 worth of artwork and valuables belonging to the charity which were either gifts or paid for by public donation.  You can review a list of these items which the whistleblower and Patton West’s bookkeeper Cheryl O’Brien compiled in 2002 as part of trying to separate out the charity’s assets from Patton West’s for accountancy purposes.  

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Geoffrey Reynolds CPA presiding over the auction of millions of dollars of stolen property in Cave Creek AZ.

What Patton West did, as part of hiding assets from her creditors (assets that she stole from the charity) was to put them in a lock up in 2004 and leave them there for ten years until after the statute of limitations on theft had expired.  In 2014 the artwork and valuables suddenly appeared again and were being sold at auction in Arizona which is the current location for her criminal racketeering business model.  These items, or what is left of them, were being sold on-line from her previous website under the art gallery tab.

The Rishi, Devra Patton West, Rishi Devra, Omniawakening,

Above: The narcissist Master Criminal Devra Patton West posing amongst millions of dollars of artwork and valuables stolen from a Montana charity. The problem for Ms. West is that there's her sworn testimony saying these items do not exist!


We know from the whistleblower John Watson her business consultant in 2002 that the events occurred just as described above.  However an even better witness than the man who drew up the list of the charities assets exists and that is Devra Patton West herself.  Now before going any further let me reiterate that Patton West was the subject of a number of lawsuits in this timeframe which culminated in her being found guilty and being forced to sell her assets (those not well hidden) at a Sheriff’s Sale in 2008.  It is unclear whether her creditors ever recovered the $2,000,000 in court fines and interest that they were owed but suffice to say the trust she had set up ‘hide’ the Victor MT property worth $1,250,000 in 2002 was broken up by a judge and the contents sold to pay her creditors.  At about the same time in 2008 the whistleblower John Watson was granted judgment against Patton West who the court found had defrauded Watson.  The court awarded Watson $736,000 in damages and costs.  In an attempt to find out where Patton West had hidden the millions of dollars she had stolen from the charity in 2004 Patton West was deposed by Watson’s lawyer and was forced to give a statement under oath about her finances on October 9 2009. It goes without saying that as a pathological liar Patton West was never going to tell the truth and she did not disappoint however some of her statements were so obviously lies and not borne out by the facts that they are worth highlighting here. 

2. The theft of art work and valuables stolen from the charity. 

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,
Above left; Devra West standing next to one of the items she told a court under oath in 2009 did not exist and yet in 2014 these items, worth several million dollars, valuables turned up at auction and on her website for sale.  Center; note on Devra West’s left arm the gold watch she told the court in 2009 that was stolen.

It is clear that Devra West, while being deposed by the whsitleblower’s lawyer in October 2009, lied from start to finish about the whereabouts of the missing artwork and valuables owned by the charity.  She stated that the items were lost or stolen and that she had given up all personal possessions etc.  She was also asked about the whereabouts of an expensive gold watch gifted to her by a wealthy heiress (see above); West replied that it too was stolen, and yet in 2014, it too was seen on West’s wrist in a photo taken while she was showing off the millions of dollars in stolen art work and valuables in Arizona.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,
Above: When Patton West was asked about the millions of dollars’ worth of missing art work she stated that it had been lost or carried off.  She also said that she had “walked away from all her possessions.”  Clearly that is not true.

Above is an excerpt from a statement taken from the Master Liar Devra Patton West while being questioned by the Montana court about several million dollars of valuables that went missing in 2004.  Top right, bottom paragraph, when asked who compiled the list of assets belonging to the charity that Devra West was shown she replied “Esther Michaels.”  West knew all too well that it was the whistleblower and her bookkeeper Cheryl O’Brien who compiled the list of assets belonging to the charity in 2002.  Esther Michaels was not involved and was the whistleblower’s replacement and yet another professional who responded to fake ‘career opportunities’ advertised Devra Patton West.


The point being made here is this.  Either Patton West is lying under oath about the whereabouts of millions of dollars’ worth of artwork and valuables belonging to her to hide them from her creditors.  Or as is maintained by the whistleblower John Watson and others, she stole the assets from the charity and hid them in a lock up until the ‘statute of limitations’ on theft had passed. 


This communications between the whistleblower and an ex-students Sharalynn Rocha and Judy Morris, makes it clear that she and others were under the impression that the charity owned all the assets.


3. Lies about her finances. 


During the deposition by Watson’s lawyer in October 2009, Patton West was repeatedly questioned about her finances.  As mentioned above in 2008, the court had found Patton West guilty of defrauding Watson and had awarded Watson $736,000 in damages and costs.  Watson was one of many victims who had fought Patton West in court and, having been handed a judgment by the court, had to collect on that judgment.  In the case of Essex Ventures who were awarded $2,000,000 in court fines and interest, it became obvious that Patton West had hidden her assets and was pleading poverty.  In response the court ‘broke’ open the trust fund that Patton West had put the charities property into and it was sold at a Sheriff’s Sale in 2008.  It is unclear whether the plaintiff’s in the Essex Ventures lawsuit got 100 cents on the dollar or less.  


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: In an attempt to avoid paying court fines to her creditors Patton West, colluding with senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds lied about her financial situation.  During the deposition statement she maintained she was penniless and living in an RV in the back of Geoffrey Reynolds’ garden with her lifestyle costs being funded by him.  Immediately after giving her statement under oath, Patton West moved into a $7,000 a month mansion in Cave Creek AZ.


As the transcript of 2009 deposition statement shows, Patton West repeatedly alleged she was penniless with her life style being funded by senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds CPA and his wife.  She further alleged that she was homeless and living in an RV in the back garden of Geoffrey Reynolds’ home.  This was an obvious lie, but without the resources to investigate her lies and refute them in court, there is little one can do especially as another senior member of her cult Dr. Julio Williams MD had provided her with $2,000,000 for her defense fund so that Patton West could out spend her less well-heeled victims in court.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Page 23.  Patton West states that she could begin to name the property she lived in for 9 years and stole from the charity and put in a trust fund.  Throughout her statement she asserts that Geoffrey Reynolds is the ‘money man.’  Top of page 24 she admits to being $2,000,000 in debt.  In page 25 she denies ever having borrowed $30,000 from her father and step mother.


No one is immune from being a victim of fraud at Patton West’s hands, including her step mother Carol Patton.  Ms. Patton had learned from the whistleblower’s website that John Watson’s lawyers were going to depose and take a statement from Patton West to ascertain where all the money and gone to.  The day before the deposition Carol Patton sent an email to Watson’s lawyers asking if they could return the $30,000 that she and her late husband had loaned Patton West.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: The above email was sent to Watson’s lawyer the day before the deposition of Patton West took place.  What is interesting, apart from the loan that Patton West denied had occurred in her deposition statement, is mention of the $33,000,000 government grant that Patton West & Geoffrey Reynolds had fraudulently applied for.  It is clear from Carol Patton’s statement, and from some of Rebecca West’s emails to the whistleblower, that Patton West intended to use some of the grant money to pay the millions of dollars she owed in court fines and the many other creditors like her step mother.


You can review excerpts from the conversation that the whistleblower John Watson had with Carol Patton about the monies Patton West owed but had no intention of ever paying back by going to the audio recordings page and scrolling down to the Carol Patton section.


In an email sent to the whistleblower in March 2003, by Patton West’s office manager Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West), she made it clear that Reynolds was totally under Patton West’s thumb.  Like many before and since, Reynolds had responded to the fake ‘career opportunities’ being offered by Patton West and believed that in September 2006, that he had joined a regular corporation.  Shortly after commencing his employment, Reynolds was duped into loaning $300,000 to Patton West after swallowing her ‘save the world’ propaganda hook, line and sinker.  All too late, Reynolds realized he had joined a cult run by a ruthless criminal.  Reynolds had two choices; go to the police and try to get his life savings back via the courts, or agree to become Patton West’s lackey / stooge and join her in organized crime.  Rebecca West’s email makes it very clear that Reynolds, in an attempt to save his marriage and his CPA license, agreed to join Patton West in organized crime. 


By the time Patton West was giving her statement while being deposed in October 2009, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA had already money laundered $436,000 stolen from Dr. Cole MD through Patton West’s business as ‘normal’ business receipts and had fraudulently applied for $30,000,000 in government grant money.  Additionally, in August 2007 while being interviewed by the Bigfork Eagle newspaper and in what he thought was an off the record conversation, Reynolds announced the whistleblower’s impending murder by Patton West.


In conclusion, Patton West denied any knowledge of the whereabouts of millions of dollars’ worth of assets (artwork and valuables) belonging to the Montana charity, but in 2014 items exactly matching those appeared on her website for sale and at auction.  To give you an idea of what artwork and valuables valued at $4,000,000 in 2002 looks like please review these five images.  1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.  


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: The non-existent artwork and valuables turns up in Arizona after the statute of limitations on theft expires.  Note the comment at the bottom of this image, which indicates an urgency to get rid of these items and or convert them into cash. “We must either move these incredible pieces to our new location or find new homes for them.” 


Earlier, we showed an image that we put together depicting Patton West living in an RV in the back of Geoffrey Reynolds’ garden.  Then days later, we showed her mansion in Carefree AZ.  Apparently, if Patton West is to be believed, she went from being penniless and $2,000,000 in debt to being able to afford $7,000 a month in rent and was living inside a gated community.  She calls her residencies ‘Abodes of the Masters’. Of course, there is no one else living there that qualifies for that tile other than herself – in her delusional dreams.  Below is an image of the current ‘Abode of the Masters.’  Who says crime does not pay?


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,



The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


4. The subverting of court cases by the intimidation of victims and witnesses.


You can take it as read that in every court case that Patton West was involved, she has used her occult (hidden) weapon to intimidate victims into withdrawing their complaints and hostile witnesses into withdrawing their statements against her.  This is why only a small fraction of the crimes she commits ever gets to court and many of those end up collapsing due to victim intimidation.  In this edition, we will focus on four examples where there is compelling evidence that Devra West actively sought to undermine the rule of law by:-


1.  Using occult violence against victims with the clear intention of intimidating victims of crime at her hands to withdraw their complaints to the police or withdraw their court cases against her.


2. Using occult violence against hostile witnesses with the clear intention of intimidating those witnesses into withdrawing their statements against West.


3. Fielding several false witnesses from her cult, like Anandra George, against plaintiffs who sued her.


Let us review the first three cases in reverse chronological order.


1. Student & Business Partner Dr. Pat Cole MD.  Dr. Pat Cole was MD viciously assaulted by West in April 2006, as part of a campaign of violence whose objective was to extort $1.3 million from Cole which Devra West succeeded in doing.  Days after the police were called to the scene of the assault, Devra West, then calling herself the Ascended Master Surya Ma, wrote a lengthy missive to her cult entitled The Law of Severity on the Path to Purification.  She did so in an attempt to justify the assault by asserting that the victim, Dr. Cole MD, was a Nazi in the WWII death camps in another lifetime!  In view of her alleged Nazi past (in another lifetime) Devra West claimed that the beating was not only deserved but long overdue.  She also stated that though severe the beating was administered by her with grace.  There was no mention of the $1.3 million Patton West successfully extorted from Cole!


We provide compelling evidence below that Devra Patton West is criminally insane.  Or evidence that shows that she is so convinced that she can get away with any crime, including murder, she responds irrationally. She often denies the crime, in spite of tens of witnesses, or maintains that someone else did it or it was God that did it through her!  Follow the link below to hear what Patton West said when confronted by the whistleblower about the vicious assault on student Beatrice McGuire.  An assault carried out by Patton West in front of scores of witnesses, an assault that resulted in the victim needing plastic surgery that Patton West paid for.  And yet, when questioned about this by the whistleblower in March 2003 Patton West’s asserted that somebody else did it and that Beatrice McGuire was mentally ill.  You can listen to Patton West’s outburst by going here.


Nothing brings home the fact that Devra West was running a cult / criminal racketeering gang in Montana more than the series of emails sent to John Watson by one of Devra West’s employees in March of 2007.  Clearly, office manager Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) was afraid for her life.  In the harrowing email entitled ‘Help Me’, Rebecca clearly articulates the revolving door policy towards employees who, duped into applying for fake jobs, were brainwashed and conditioned into joining West’s cult as low paid or no paid slaves or fired before the end of 90 days, after which Devra West would have to pay employment insurance.  Go here to read several of these emails.  What follows are some excerpts from the ‘Help Me’ email that clearly shows that Devra West was using occult ‘under the radar’ violence in an attempt to intimidate Rebecca West into both withdrawing her support for Cole and withdrawing the witness statement she gave to Dr. Pat Cole after Devra West viciously assaulted Cole.  Here are those excerpts.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred.


I will not return and subject myself to her violent and abusive behavior! I continue to awaken from a sound sleep (on many occasions) at 3:00 a.m. and last night being one of those nights in which I have the feeling of impending doom, and is the reason I finally really took a look at your website and contacted you.  I need support in how to deal with her shamanic witchcraft.  Can you tell me more?   I have handed over many of the statements made by former employees of which are mostly already posted on your website to Dr. Cole in an effort to assist her.  Dr. Cole was severely beaten on several occasions and proof is available.  

With all my heart, I hope and pray, the law firm that is currently reviewing her documents will help Dr. Cole recover her losses and/or dignity, as she has no money left after Devra extorted more than $700,000 from her.  


And in court giving evidence for Jamie Haywood against her former employee, Rebecca West had this to say….


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Above: Employees were recruited as potential members of West’s cult.  Employment was a hostile environment because West applied brainwashing and conditioning to every new recruit as part of forcing them into the cult.  Cole was repeatedly beaten by West because West wanted to extort Cole’s $1.3 million fortune which she succeeded in doing.


Devra Patton West is a dangerous psychopath who, because of her ability to intimidate, and violently assault and murder people ‘remotely’ using occult knowledge believes herself to be beyond the reach of the law and justice.  As a consequence, there no checks and balances that would stop a sane person from violently attacking another she just does as she pleases knowing that she can intimidate her way out of trouble.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Devra West’s used occult ‘under the radar’ violence to intimidate several hostile witnesses, all of whom reported the violence to the police but were told by the police that as the weapon being used by Devra West was not regarded as a weapon under ‘legal statute’ there was little they could do.  The police suggested that the victims collectively bring a private prosecution against Devra West on the basis of intent to cause harm.  Nothing happened because the victims realized that during the two to four years that it would take to bring a private prosecution against Devra West, they would all be subject to a concerted campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence’ at the hands of Devra West or murdered for their troubles with their deaths being announced as death by natural causes.  So, like Dave Kushner who was defrauded out of $30,000 and Mike Hendrickson who was defrauded out of $200,000, they just walked away empty handed.  This has been going on for 27 years since 1991.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


When asked about the assault upon Dr. Pat Cole MD, pathological liar Devra West denied that she had assaulted Cole when everyone knew she had.  Another employee, Carlida Finch, overheard Patton West planning the murder of Dr. Cole MD.  Carlida Finch shared this information with the authorities in her ‘Statement of Fact.’   Again, this psychopath does not care at all about the truth or what people think of her - that includes provincial court rooms and judges.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Above: At line 4. Violent psychopath and pathological liar Devra Patton West denying that she has a propensity towards violence (like her son).  At line 10 pathological liar West acknowledges the assault case against her but says that the assault is related to Cole trying to embezzle funds from her (a pack of lies).  She goes on to deny assaulting Dr. Pat Cole and in the process of lying refers to Cole as a ‘he’ not a she.  Even pathological liars like West make mistakes when under pressure.


In spite of Devra West’s efforts to crush the assault case against her, and in spite of Patton West’s denials and the denials of the senior members of her cult, namely Geoffrey Reynolds, Julio Williams and ex-husband Jack West, psychopath and suspected serial killer Devra Patton West was convicted of assault in April 2008.  Below are images of the Whitefish Pilot & Bigfork Eagle newspaper articles announcing the 2006 assault to the public in the summer of 2007 and the Whitefish Pilot newspaper article announcing West’s conviction for assault in April 2008.  Follow the preceding links to read the full sized articles.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above from left to right: Two newspaper articles announcing Devra West’s assault of Dr. Pat Cole MD (and several other crimes West was committing in 2007.  Right: The newspaper article announcing Patton West’s conviction for assault in April 2008.


Devra West’s criminal racketeering business model brings in millions of dollars a year which is motive enough for the violent intimidation and murder of those who would threaten the flow of money.  The flow of money is dependent on the public and the members of her cult believing the lies and propaganda about her being a ‘divine being.’  In response to the publication of two news articles about Devra West’s one woman crime wave in Montana in the summer of 2007, Devra West had the senior members of her cult publish, all on one day as if by magic, several statements of denial on her website.  These statements of denial were mainly aimed at the members of her cult who, being brainwashed and conditioned to obey her every word, would be expected to swallow her denials in spite of all the evidence proving that Devra West was a dangerous psychopath and probably a serial killer.  


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Above ten statements of denial, all as if by magic, appearing on West’s website on the same day.  These statements in response to the two newspaper articles printed in the Whitefish Pilot & Bigfork Eagle newspapers in 2007.


You can read these statements in full by following the links below.  These statements may well have been written by Devra West but attributed to the members of her cult.  They all seem to have one author.  No one would have the nerve to complain lest they too become targets.

1. Geoffrey Reynolds 1     
2. Geoffrey Reynolds 2     
3. Geoffrey Reynolds 3     
4. Reynolds & Williams
5. Julio Williams 1               
6. Jack West                      
7. Bret Jahola                       
8. Dani Osborne
9. Devra West 1                
10. Devra West 2


In 2008, Devra West was found guilty of assaulting Dr. Pat Cole MD and was found guilty of defrauding John Watson.  That same year, she was the subject of an arrest warrant for Criminal Check Fraud and forced to sell her assets via a Sheriff’s Sale to pay her creditors $2,000,000 in court fines and interest for past crimes! In 2009, Patton West was the recipient of an arrest warrant for Felony Theft. Devra West had told the whistleblower in their March 2003 meeting that “the truth does not matter” if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth.  In keeping with that philosophy and the need to protect her multi-million dollar a year criminal business model she issued two further statement of denial in response to the two newspaper articles evidencing her conviction for assault and John Watson’s win against her for defrauding him. 


In response to her conviction for assault Devra West posted the following statement:-

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Pathological liar Devra West claims that the court dismissed the assault case against her when in fact she was convicted by the court.  She goes on to mirror her crimes on to dr. Cole by claiming that Cole tried to extort money from her when in fact Dr. Cole had $1.3 million extorted from her by Devra Patton West.

Nothing illustrates the vile nature of this evil creature than the way she conspired with her son, Chris Haywood, to subvert two child custody hearings in favor of her porn loving wife beating son.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

2. Daughter-in-law Jamie HaywoodJamie Haywood was the estranged wife of Devra West’s porn loving, wife beating son, Chris Haywood.  Devra Patton West conspired with her son and others (including Geoffrey Reynolds) to subvert the court proceedings with the objective of gaining custody of an infant female child from its mother, Jamie Haywood.  In addition to lining up rent a liars like Geoffrey Reynolds as witnesses for her son, Devra Patton West launched a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ violence against her daughter-in-law Jamie Haywood with the obvious objective of intimidating her into giving up her infant daughter to her son.  Her son had an FBI criminal record for forgery, substance abuse and traffic violations.  This is the same son that broke Jamie Haywood’s nose because he thought she was looking at another man.  The same son who had forced Jamie Haywood to have an abortion a few years earlier when he was in the middle of an earlier custody battle with his first wife Kendal. Apparently, Chris Haywood thought it would look bad if his then underage girlfriend was pregnant with his child while he was trying to get custody of his infant daughter by his first wife.

Below is an excerpt from Jamie Haywood’s email to the whistleblower John Watson, sent to him a day or two before the custody hearing.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Rebecca West <>
To: John Watson <>
Sent: Wednesday, 7 March, 2007 3:02:50 PM
Subject: RE: Help me w/ Devra Patton West

Dear John,

After more than 30 employees coming and going, (16 just since I started May 1, 2006, not counting myself, current employees or contract labor), there are currently three employees remaining.  Two of the three are very much in her control due to fear and/or ignorance and have proven to me, I cannot trust them. I have been trying to get the monies she owes me before I end my contact with her, specifically a missing paycheck, overtime, overdraft charges and (wishful thinking) the bonus she promised me for the hundreds of hours of overtime I incurred.


I will not return and subject myself to her violent and abusive behavior! I continue to awaken from a sound sleep (on many occasions) at 3:00 a.m. and last night being one of those nights in which I have the feeling of impending doom, and is the reason I finally really took a look at your website and contacted you.  I need support in how to deal with her shamanic witchcraft.  Can you tell me more?   I have handed over many of the statements made by former employees of which are mostly already posted on your website to Dr. Cole in an effort to assist her.  Dr. Cole was severely beaten on several occasions and proof is available.  


With all my heart, I hope and pray, the law firm that is currently reviewing her documents will help Dr. Cole recover her losses and/or dignity, as she has no money left after Devra extorted more than $700,000 from her.  


Below is an excerpt from Jamie Haywood’s testimony.  This taken from pages 119 & 120 of the court transcript.  The transcript can be accessed by following these links.  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Though Jamie Haywood is semi illiterate, the meaning of Jamie Haywood’s email and her statement she gave to the court is perfectly clear.  Like John Watson, Dr. Cole MD, Rebecca West and others Devra Patton West was using her occult secret weapon to target Jamie Haywood with occult ‘under the radar’ violence to intimidate the mother into giving up her baby. 

If that strategy failed, plan ‘B’ was to destroy the mother’s psyche / sense of wellbeing so that when the custody court hearing was convened the mother could be made out to be mentally unstable.  This worked on Chris Haywood’s first wife Kendall, who lost her infant daughter to the West’s conspiracy but did not work with Jamie Haywood who got to keep her daughter.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Occult thief and suspected serial killer Devra Patton West who has used her knowledge of the occult to subvert countless court cases brought against her.  She also used that knowledge against her two estranged daughter-in-law the objective being to intimidate both of them into giving up their infant daughters to Patton West’s depraved son.  She succeeded with one daughter in law Kendall and failed with the second Jamie.  Patton West is a vile despicable creature with no redeeming qualities.


3. Daughter-in-law Kendal Haywood.  In an earlier custody battle with Chris Haywood’s first wife, Kendall Haywood, Devra Patton West relentlessly targeted the mother Kendall day and night for months with occult ‘under the radar’ violent attacks until poor Kendal thought she was going crazy.  At this point, it is worth sharing with the reader the range of attacks used by Devra West against the whistleblower and his wife and children in an attempt to intimidate him into dropping his lawsuit against her for fraud.  These attacks against the whistleblower started in December 2006 and they have continued to this day.  You can bet that these and several others were used against Jamie Haywood and Kendal Haywood in an attempt to force them into giving up their infant daughters to West’s son Chris Haywood.

1. Migraine headaches that start with the scalp burning such that the victim has to apply a cold wet towel to the head to stop the burning sensation.  These migraines are so bad that the victims have to take pain killers for days until the pain subsides only to be targeted again and again. 

2. Acid reflux attacks that continue for months causing one to have to take powerful drugs to stop their stomachs digesting itself.

3. Sinuses constantly running.  When I say running I mean that one has to walk around with a cup in one’s hand to drain the sinuses into.

4. Excruciating muscle pain in the legs like cramps on steroids. 

5. Extreme back ache such that one could never get comfortable except when lying down in bed.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: How does a wife beating porn loving husband with a criminal record gain custody of an infant female child from an all American Apple Pie sweet wife?  Simple if you mother is an occult master.  Patton West targeted the son’s wife Kendall day and night with occult attacks until she thought she was going crazy.  Then Patton West brings in Dr. Pat Cole MD as a professional witness who just happens to be a member of Patton West’s cult to diagnose Kendall as being mentally ill.


6. Attacks to the genitals.  This form of violent attack seems to have been directed at all members of the family simultaneously.  A clear sign that the whole family was under attack came when different family members separated by hundreds, in one case thousands of miles, acquired the same symptoms on the same day!

7. Targeting my heart was, and still is, a favorite target of West’s.  These attacks gave me the feeling that a stake was being repeatedly pushed into my heart.  13 years ago when these attacks started this was quite worrying however 13 years later I have learned to ignore these attacks in the knowledge that if Ms. West had been able to kill me she would have done so long ago.  Long term effects unknown.

8.  The Feb / Mar / Apr 2018 long term attack was against my right ankle.  Long story short while I slept the pain built up in my right ankle and when I get up it was painful to walk.  Throughout the day the pain subsided somewhat (a moving target is harder to hit) but overnight the occult thief / suspected serial killer works on it again.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: This is the charmer with and FBI record who forced his girlfriend to have an abortion because it would look bad if his underage girlfriend was pregnant with his child while he was trying to get custody of his infant daughter by his first wife Kendal.


9.  While employed in 2017 my right knee and ankle were targeted simultaneously; these attacks continued for several weeks and everyone at my place of work noticed that I was limping for weeks.  Eventually Devra West must have got bored or whatever spell / software / visualization she was using wore out.  Perhaps she just moved on to another target.

10. A sudden spate of nose bleeds.  I never get nose bleeds I do not have high blood pressure and yet in 2017 I suddenly had seven or eight in quick succession all within a month.  Part of West’s strategy is to try and frighten the target into submission by having them believe the attacks, especially the attacks to the heart and head, might prove fatal.  Having been a marine I do not scare easily and certainly nose bleeds are not going to ruffle my feathers.

11. One of the attacks Devra West uses regularly is against our digestive systems.  Like all the other attacks this variety of violent assault is preceded by a loud hissing. Within minutes whatever we have in our stomachs starts gurgling loudly, followed by severe stomach pains (gas) then diarrhea.  Even after eating the blandest food upon hearing the hissing my wife and I would both know what came next.

12.  Another favorite attack of Devra Patton West’s, also proceeded by a loud hissing, is where one’s energy is drained, to the point of wanting to go to sleep.

14.Attack to one or both eyes.  This felt like someone was pushing a needle through the eye.

15. Irrespective of what region of the body Devra West is targeting there is always the sleep deprivation.  This has been consistent throughout the 13 years and commented on by other victims including West’s neighbor in Flathead Lake Michelle Fetveit who got into a water dispute with West.  I interviewed Michelle in 2007 and sure enough she remarked about being woken up at 3.00 am each morning. 


Clearly, poor Kendal had no idea what was happening to her and there was no one she could talk to except a psychiatrist which totally played into Patton West’s hands, as by the time the custody hearing was convened, Kendall was deemed to be mentally unstable.  Dr. Pat Cole MD, a senior member of Patton West’s cult, pretended to be an impartial ‘professional’ witness and supplied Patton West with a statement to be used against Kendal. This was exactly the outcome Patton West had hoped for. As a result of Patton West’s successful conspiracy to subvert the custody court proceedings, Kendall ended up losing custody of her daughter Patton West’s son Chris Haywood.  What was not disclosed at the hearing with Kendall was the fact that Chris Haywood had got his underage girlfriend pregnant, whom he forced her to have an abortion, because it would not have looked good for him while fighting for custody of his infant daughter with his first wife Kendall!

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


The above represents three examples of intimidation against victims and witnesses for the purposes of subverting court cases one for assault and two child custody court cases.

4. Business Partner John Watson – Later turned whistleblower.  As was made clear in the previous section on this webpage dedicated to ‘Montana victims’, Patton West defrauded Watson like she had done it a thousand times before and was no big deal, and even after he had won his lawsuit, Patton West was posting statements of denial on her website like the one below here:-


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Devra West claimed that her conviction was a ‘technical error.’  She states that lawsuits have been filed against Watson for his many his many threats and criminal acts against Dr. West and her family.  She also states that there was no business contact between herself and John Watson.  She goes on to claim that she is not going to enable an extortion scam by John Watson when in reality the courts ruled that she had defrauded him!


Firstly, there was no ‘technical’ error the judgment handed down by the court was clear.  As with all psychotic criminals, or in Patton West’s case those who are criminally insane, the perpetrator ‘mirrors’ her crimes on to the victim.  In this way, the threats from Patton West (given in person during the meeting she had with Watson in March 2003) are attributed to the victim; in this case Watson.  I suggest the reader listens to Patton West deliver some of those threats in her own voice which can be done by following these links.


1.  West agrees she has defrauded John Watson but does not see herself paying him!

2.  West goes berserk and in an expletive laden tirade accuses the whistleblower of exploiting her vulnerability!  This behavior proves beyond doubt that Devra West is criminally insane.  

3.  West says that if Watson sues her she’ll get so f*cking down and dirty huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers because Williams will pay her legal fees.

4. West says she feels stabbed in the back and f*cked up the arse by Watson’s insistence that West pay her the $50,000 she owes him.  West has an emotional melt down and leaves in hysterics!

5. The truth does not matter (if she can convince the public that her lies are their truth).


In item (5) above, Patton West tells Watson that the truth does not matter if she can convince the members of her cult and the public that her lies are their truth. So when publishing the denials in the statement above on her website, she knew she was lying but expected everyone to believe her!  The statement that there was no business contact between Dr. West and Watson was the biggest lie, as is borne out by the following letter from Patton West’s husband to the immigration and Naturalisation Service (INS).


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,



Why would John Watson be signing a personal guarantee with Patton West if he was not a shareholder?  Why would Patton West write to her lawyer Mr. Tabarrachi asking him to dissolve all the business details between her and Watson if there were none?  Then, there were the business cards and stationery that the Cactus Design agency in Colorado were working on for all three shareholders Watson, Patton West and Corinne Coffin (see below).


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Business cards for the three Director / Shareholders for the Millennia Mind Corporation that Watson set up while acting as a business consultant for Patton West between January 2002 & August 2002.


Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model only works if the public and the members of her cult believe the ‘divine being’ bullshit.  So, any whiff of scandal or truth getting out about her cruelty, violence and criminality must be countered with lies and propaganda and there was plenty of that going up on Patton West’s website.  The following three statements are just a small sample.  The first entitled ‘Be Informed Know the Truth’ was one example and ‘Watson’s Extortion Conspiracy Unravels’ was another.  Then there was the lengthy statement from Patton West’s husband Jack West entitled, ‘Statement for Dr. Devra West, Surya Ma.’  The first thing to get out of the way is that Devra West is not a doctor of anything unless one is counting the two fake doctorates she told one student the Christ had awarded her in person.  One of the statements that Jack West makes is as follows, “She remains as utterly free of wrongdoing and as ethically virtuous as any human being can be.”  End quote!


Again, I make the point that Patton West’s multi-million dollar a year criminal racketeering business model only works if the public and the cult swallow the lies and propaganda espoused by Patton West and her proxies / accomplices.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: A screen shot of one of the pages from the website that fraud victim turned whistleblower John Watson put up in 2006.  The website stayed up until 2010 at which point Patton West and her stooge Geoffrey Reynolds served Watson for defamation for telling the truth about Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang.


To counter the endless stream of lies and propaganda, put up on Patton West’s website about John Watson and several other victims, Watson put up his own website in 2006 upon which he published the material you are reading now.  The truth to counter the lies.  The website consisted of 247 web pages which consisted of legal documents, newspaper articles and the statements from scores of ex-employees and students of Patton West’s who alleged being mentally and physically abused by her and robbed, defrauded had money extorted from them were violently assaulted with at least one suspicious death.


So to summarize.  In 2006 Watson’s website went up to counter the many lies and propaganda being put up by Patton West about him and the many other victims of crime at the hands of Patton West.  Her regular appearances in court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits made her claims of ‘divinity’ ever more ludicrous.  Then in March 2007, John Watson now turned whistleblower, started to receive several harrowing emailsfrom Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) who was Patton West’s office manager.  The emails made it very clear to Watson that several employees were trapped inside Patton West’s cult and feared for their lives because of this Watson made the decision to share everything with the local press believing that it would result in Patton West’s arrest.  Below here are screen shots of part of the stories the Whitefish Pilot published on July 12 2007 and the Bigfork Eagle published on August 9 2007.  You can review each article in its entirety by following the preceding links.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

There is a document which goes into great detail about both of these news articles and gives a blow by blow account of the crimes being committed by Patton West in the 2006 to 2007 timeframe.  You can access it by following this link.  


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

On October 8 2008, the Ravalli Republic newspaper ran a story about the judgment handed down by a Montana court against Patton West for defrauding John Watson.  You can view the entire article by going here.  The above three news articles and Patton West’s many visits to court (see below) as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits and the news article published 24 April 2008 announcing Patton West’s conviction for assault brought Patton West’s ‘world service’ racketeering efforts to an end in Montana.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above from left to right: Notice of a Sheriff’s Sale at which Patton West was forced to sell her assets to pay post victims of crime $2,000,000 in court fines and interest.  An arrest warrant for criminal check fraud.  Top right an arrest warrant for Felony Theft.  Bottom right news article published 24 April 2008 announcing Patton West’s conviction for assault.


The end for Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering gang in Montana.


After Patton West’s frequent visits to court as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits and after the above mentioned newspaper articles were published in July and August of 2007 Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model was dead in the water in Montana.  And to make matters worse before Patton West and the cult could move to another western state (where they do not prosecute ‘white collar’ crime) Patton West had to silence the whistleblower and take down his websites.  No one is going to believe the ‘divine being’ bullshit and walk into a trap if they know it is there because of information like this being available on the internet.   


Plan ‘A’ Patton West decides to murder John Watson.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: There is nothing ‘divine’ about a murderer or suspected serial killer.  For 28 years Patton West has used the occult knowledge she had obtained at the Robert Jaffe School for Energy Mastery to line her own financial nest at the expense of others.  A narcissist who masquerades as a minor deity because she is hooked on the adoration and worship of others.


It was senior cult member, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, who announced the plan to murder Watson.  On August 9 2007, Reynolds gave an interview to Constance See, the Bigfork Eagle newspaper reporter.  Speaking on behalf of his ‘employer’ Patton West, and in what he thought was an ‘off the record’ conversation, Reynolds told Constance See that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to his wife and children.  In other words, the plan was for Patton West to use her occult (hidden) knowledge to either murder Watson or provoke Watson into reacting in a way that would result in Watson being sent to jail for trying to protect his wife and children.  Several days after Reynolds announced Watson’s impending murder, Patton West made a failed, but credible attempt on Watson’s life. 

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Because Patton West’s ‘weapon’ is not recognized as a weapon under legal statute she is free to use it to facilitate theft, fraud, extortion and murder.  Victims and witnesses are terrorized and intimidated into silence and victims of murder are declared by coroners as death by natural causes.  For perpetrating this evil the vile serpent Patton West thinks she is a God.


You can read more about how Patton West uses occult knowledge as a weapon for intimidation and murder by reading this bulletin.  The bulletin also gives information about ‘John of God,’ Brazil’s counterpart to Patton West.  ‘John of God’ used occult knowledge to acquire money and obtain sexual gratification while being worshipped as a messenger from God.  With Patton West, the ‘drugs of choice’ are acquiring money, the control over others’ lives and, being a narcissist, she likes to be worshipped.  The big question concerning Reynolds is this.  Why did he have the confidence not only to announce Watson’s murder but to believe it would be carried out?  Did Patton West share details of other murders with Reynolds, like the murder of Lisa Swidler in 2005 just two years earlier?  The whistleblower, John Watson, recalled how Jack West, Patton West’s husband in 2002, had told him that those who oppose his wife had a habit of dying suddenly.


Fortunately, the murder plot failed.


Before we get on to Patton West’s Plan ‘B’ for silencing the whistleblower John Watson and forcing his website down, it would be useful to share the identities of the main members of the cult circa 2006 to 2014.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above from left to right:  Dr. Julio E Williams MD, Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, The Regent of the Rishi’s and self-appointed Planetary Regent Devra Patton West.  Bringing up the rear Jack West, Patton West’s ex-husband.


In January 2007, before the whistleblower started to receive harrowing emails from Patton West’s employees, before the attempt on his life and before the local newspapers published several stories about Patton West’s criminality, senior cult member Dr. Julio Williams MD sent a threatening email to the whistleblower.  Dr. Julio Williams MD, like Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, were total strangers to John Watson so it speaks volumes about Patton West’s powers of persuasion that she could persuade Williams to do a bit of ‘witness tampering’ and Reynolds to be complicit in her plot to murder Watson.  Below are a couple of excerpts from the email Williams sent to Watson in January 2007.  You can read the full email by going here.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Why would anyone let alone an apparently well-educated physician get involved in a legal dispute between two individuals?  Especially as a recording of Patton West admitting she had defrauded Watson was up on the internet?


Dr. Julio Williams, committing the serious crime of ‘witness tampering’ by trying to intimidate the plaintiff in a fraud court case for the defendant, who just happens to be the leader of Williams’ cult / criminal racketeering gang.  The $2,000,000 that Williams makes available for Patton West’s defense fund will be crucial to the cult pulling off Plan ‘B.’


Plan ‘B.’


Since the time of the failed murder plot, which Geoffrey Reynolds announced in August 2007, and Watson’s appearance in court in Montana in 2010, Patton West’s cult / criminal racketeering business model was on hold.  During the interval, Patton West had appealed the judgment against her with the result that the judgment stood but the appeal court asked another judge to reconsider case with a view to reassessing whether the financial award granted to Watson was fair.  Upon arriving at the court in October 2010, Patton West and her stooge Reynolds put Plan ‘B’ into operation which was to have their representative serve Watson for two counts of defamation; one for Patton West and one for Reynolds.  Both were asking for $5,000,000 each in damages and Patton West was additionally asking for an injunction to force down Watson’s websites, so as to clear the internet of all evidence of her past criminality.  The third unseen player in this conspiracy was Dr. Julio Williams MD who, as we saw above from the threatening email he sent Watson in January 2007, agreed to fund Patton West’s legal costs to the tune of $2,000,000!


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above top row:  Narcissist con artist and violent criminal Patton West.  Her stock in trade is lies.  Below: Dr. Julio E Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, both total strangers to Watson but both individual’s actions were orchestrated by Patton West in an attempt to murder Watson, and when that failed, a criminal conspiracy to bankrupt him so that Patton West could move to Arizona and reincarnate as a minor deity, planetary regent and, in spite of her past, a blessing to all souls!


If one actually reviews the documents that Watson was served with by Patton West and Geoffrey Reynolds, one will see that Reynolds’ pleadings are actually a photocopy of Patton West’s pleadings. The reason for this is that Reynolds could not possibly have been defamed by John Watson between 2002 & 2006 as he alleged in his pleadings to the court, because Reynolds did not leave California to join Patton West’s employ until September 2006.  In other words, Reynolds did not know Watson existed until after September 2006, after which Patton West used Reynolds to ‘double’ the award she would get if Watson was unable to defend their lies.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Having failed to murder Watson Patton West and Geoffrey Reynolds put Plan ‘B’ into effect which is to outspend Watson in court by issuing a pair of multi-million dollar lawsuits against Watson that they assumed he could not afford to defend because he lived abroad.  Senior cult member Julio Williams provided Patton West with $2,000,000 for her legal fees.


PERJURY.  Juries and judges often base their verdicts, sentences, or other important decisions on sworn testimony and signed documents. Statements given under oath and certain legal documents are presumed to be truthful, or at least made in good faith. But how do we know for sure that witnesses and other parties involved in a legal matter are telling the truth? We can’t always be certain, but those who are caught knowingly misleading a court face serious criminal charges of perjuryTo “perjure” yourself is to knowingly make misleading or false statements under oath or to sign a legal document you know to be false or misleading. This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility. After all, just one sworn statement has the power to tip the scales of justice and dramatically alter someone’s life.  Perjury is considered a crime against justice, since lying under oath compromises the authority of courts, grand juries, governing bodies, and public officials. Other crimes against justice include criminal contempt of court, probation violation, and tampering with evidence


Both Patton West and Reynolds gambled correctly that after fighting an expensive law suit for 5 years, he would not have the stomach to fight another two lawsuits for another several years.  Added to the expense of hiring lawyers, Watson had emigrated from Montana in 2005 to Nova Scotia on the east coast of Canada, for his own safety.  Consequently, the expense of flying backwards and forwards to Montana to attend court would have been prohibitive; a fact that Patton West was relying on.  So, unable to defend Patton West’s lies, the court gave Patton West and her stooge Reynolds, a default undefended judgment in the amount both asked for i.e. $5,000,000 each.


This is what criminals do; if they cannot intimidate you or murder you, they outspend you in court and ‘buy’ the result they want.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: The court system is primarily set up for the benefit of those who make careers out of ‘practicing’ the law.  As the above illustration shows, the judge is not primarily interested in the rights or wrongs of the case only that the procedures are followed.  This often leads to the one with the most money winning by default. 

In this way, Patton West was granted summary judgment against Watson by the same judge that had earlier issued an arrest warrant against Patton West for criminal check fraud!


Patton West, in addition to avenging Watson’s 2008 win against her for fraud and neutralizing the financial award he was given by the court, also got her injunction which resulted in Watson’s websites being forced off the internet.   This enabled Patton West, Julio Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds to move to Arizona where Patton West knew she could resurrect her cult / criminal racketeering business model without having her lies and propaganda contradicted by the truth.  You may recall that shortly after commencing his employment in September 2006, Reynolds bought Patton West’s bullshit about wanting to save the world and loaned her $300,000; his life savings.  As Rebecca West (no relation to Devra West) pointed out in one of the emails sent to John Watson in March 2003, after realizing his mistake, Reynolds’ only concern was to save his CPA license and his marriage by doing whatever Patton West asked in the hope he would get his life savings back.  You can review Rebecca West’s email entitled ‘What is your status’ and learn of just how much trouble Reynolds was in.  Fortunately for Reynolds, he took to serious crime like a duck to water so being complicit in a murder plot, part of a criminal conspiracy to extort $10,000,000 from Watson, money laundering and the fraudulent application of $33,000,000 in government grants – no problem! 


As evidence that Plan ‘B’ was totally orchestrated by Patton West, and that Geoffrey Reynolds was just along for the ride as part of what he had to do to get his money back, immediately after the judgments against Watson were granted in 2010, Reynolds signed his $5,000,000 judgment over to Patton West.  Below is a review of the court cases that Patton West was involved in from 2013 to 2016.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Judgements against Patton West in favor of Wells Fargo bank.  These to be added to the long list in Montana!


Below are details of the judgment granted in Montana which appears to have been transferred to Arizona, presumably so that Patton West, if questioned about her criminal past in Montana and New Mexico could say that it is all lies and that she won a court case against the person and has a $10,000,000 judgment on the books!  What Patton West never admits is that no matter how many civil court cases she buys with other people’s money, it does not negate the arrest warrants in Montana, the conviction for assault in Montana, the many appearances in court in Montana as the defendant in fraud related lawsuits.  It does not negate the fact that she was the subject of a Sheriff’s Sale to force her to pay past victims of fraud $2,000,000 in court fines and interest!  It does not negate the fact that Patton West was gratuitously cruel to scores of victims of mental and physical abuse, as she attempted to brainwash and condition them to becoming low paid or no paid slaves in her cult.


Below are the search results showing the $10,000,000 default judgment that Patton West acquired through Dr. Julio E Williams’ money and Geoffrey Reynolds’ lies.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: The undefended default Judgment granted to Patton West and Reynolds, with the conspiracy funded by Williams, just as he promised to do in the January 2007 email he sent Watson.


The motive for Patton West to want to murder Watson and, when that failed, mount a criminal conspiracy involving Williams and Reynolds to bankrupt him is obvious.  Millions of dollars a year from organized crime.


Millions of dollars a year in donations elicited from the public, on the basis of lies and propaganda.  Were any other business to operate on a basis where the obvious intention is to defraud the public, the directors / shareholders would all be jailed.  Martha Stewart was jailed for less.  Then, there are the millions of dollars obtained through theft, fraud and extortion via ‘divine grace healings’ and the ‘dispensation of karma’ all granted to the gullible by a narcissist con artist for a very large fee.


As a result of the conspiracy by Patton West, Julio Williams MD and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA, Patton West reincarnated herself in Arizona as the Ascended Master ‘Rishi Devra’ where she is currently targeting the spiritual communities in Sedona & Scottsdale.  You can read an in depth analysis of the roles Williams and Reynolds played in ‘neutralizing’ the whistleblower, so that Patton West could reincarnate in Arizona by following this link to ‘gang members.’


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,


Some detail about the cult / gang members Dr. Julio E Williams and Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  We make the point again, that both these individuals did not know Watson and yet both, at Patton West’s request / demand, agreed to commit crimes on her behalf against Watson that could yet send them both to jail for a very long time.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Dr. Julio E Williams is a total disgrace to the medical profession and should be struck off.  His oath as a physician to ‘do no harm’ comes a distant second place to his role in Patton West’s Satanist cult / criminal racketeering gang.


Dr. Julio E Williams MD continues to play a key role in marketing Patton West to the public as a minor deity / divine being, though he obviously knows she is the very opposite.  Visit the ‘Fake Testimonials’ page on this website to see just how gushing Williams is about the leader of his cult / criminal racketeering gang.  For a detailed look at Dr. Julio E Williams’ role in Patton West’s cult / gang, please review these three web pages dedicated to his contribution 1, 2 & 3.  Dr. Julio E Williams also supports Patton West’s claims to be able to deliver ‘divine grace healings’ (for a price) and recently made available his own home from which he and Patton West could interview cancer patients to see if they qualified for a cure!

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above right: Two idiotic testimonials from Williams to a con artist and violent convicted criminal.  Above right: Williams made his home available in 2018 for Patton West to interview cancer patients to see if any of them could afford her fake cures. Naturally being Williams’ home, he was on hand to assure the prospective victims that she was the real deal.


Recently, as the internet began to fill up with details of Patton West’s past reign of terror in Montana, stooge Dr. Julio E Williams MD launched his own website in defense of Patton West.  In an attempt to hold the high moral ground, Williams sought to portray the injunction, that he effectively bought for Patton West with his money, as something it was not.  You can review a detailed analysis of Williams’s website and the propaganda piece by going here.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Dr. Julio E Williams, in his propaganda piece, alleges that the injunction was granted to Patton West by a judge as a result of the judge’s independent investigation into cybercrime.  Another example of the criminals mirroring their crimes onto their victims since Patton West’s criminal racketeering business model is entirely reliant on the internet.  It appears that Patton West is relying on religious freedom laws to ‘protect’ her from the consequences of her lies and propaganda.  Just recently she completely revamped her website in an attempt to bury some of her claims.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above left: Dr. Julio E Williams MD looking serious and respectable in his physician’s outfit.  Above right: on bended knee before the leader of his cult / criminal racketeering gang.  Center bottom” Thy humble salutations to thy lotus feet!


Dr. Julio E Williams MD by his actions, is either a totally brainwashed and conditioned mannequin whose strings are pulled by Patton West, or he is a willing accomplice in racketeering and murder. There is no other explanation as to why an apparently well-educated physician, would choose to become a 20 year member of a cult whose leader, Patton West, is so obviously a con artist and violent criminal.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above left: Geoffrey Reynolds’ resume on McSwain & Co.’s website after we informed them of Reynolds’ criminal past.  Above right: Weeks later his photo vanished from his resume too.  The public and McSwain & Co.’s clients should know the truth.


Geoffrey Reynolds CPA.  Reynolds thought he had left the cult in 2014, when he moved to Olympia WA to work as a CPA at McSwain & Co. accountants.  When we shared details of Reynolds’ ‘criminal’ past with McSwain & Co. their first reaction was to sanitize his resume by removing all mention of his time with Patton West between 2006 & 2014.  Weeks later, they removed his photograph.  The problem for Reynolds is that the results of their treachery are still out the there.  The $10,000,000 default judgement that Williams’ money and Reynolds’ lies obtained for Patton West in 2010, is still out there.  The ongoing campaign of intimidation being directed at Watson and his family is still in play, 13 years after it started.  Then, there are many other victims from Patton West’s ‘world service’ racketeering efforts in Arizona, many of which remain to be identified.  For these reasons, and the countless other victims mentioned on this website, the only way to end Patton West’s reign of terror and bring her, Williams and Reynolds to justice is via a criminal trial for racketeering and murder.


The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Reynolds thought he could leave his past behind but money laundering, the fraudulent application of $30,000,000 in government grants, complicity to commit murder and criminal conspiracy are not going away.


While Dr. Julio E Williams MD is a 20 year student of Patton West’s unaccredited school for occult studies and obviously brainwashed Reynolds is a different kettle of fish.  Reynolds would sell his wife and children if the price was right, which in a way, is exactly what he has done. Since when he is convicted, the swinging fines for racketeering will bankrupt him and his family as a prelude to Reynolds being jailed for a decade or more.  It takes a special kind of ‘low life’ to agree, (to save his CPA license and his marriage) to be complicit in the murder of a total stranger to stop the stranger telling the truth about a career criminal.  And then when the murder plot fails, wait three years and then agree to perjure himself by making totally false statements to a court, about a total stranger, as part of a $10,000,000 extortion scam designed by the career criminal to bankrupt a whistleblower into silence.  For his services to Patton West and organized crime, Geoffrey Reynolds has earned the title of ‘Scum.’

The Urban dictionary defines the word ‘scum’ thusly:-

(adj.) Possibly the worst word you can have your name associated with.

It is hard to define the word, but it is basically used to describe someone so disgraceful that they are seen as the lowest form of life. "Worthlessness", "waste of skin", "dirt". "Nothing". Far worse than most other insults, where the victim is often just referred to as genetalia.


As Reynolds was leaving the cult in 2014 (immediately before taking up his employment with McSwain & Co. in Olympia) Reynolds gave one last ‘shout out’ to Patton West by posting the following statement on the ‘Meet Up’ social media website.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Above: Scum Geoffrey Reynolds after agreeing to money laundering, the fraudulent application of $30,000,000 in government grants, complicity to commit murder and perjury states how honored he was to be associated with Patton West’s global awakening (cult / criminal racketeering gang).  What a winner! His family must be so proud.


In summary, prior to 1990 Devra Patton West was a pot grower, drug dealer, con artist and bankrupt. 

Editor’s Note.  There can be little doubt that Devra Patton West is a narcissist, a dangerous psychopath, a very cunning and resourceful criminal and quite possibly a serial killer.  Most of the information on these pages circa 2000 to 2010 was collected by John Watson while researching his fraud lawsuit against Devra Patton West which he won in 2008.  While researching his lawsuit Watson discovered that there were literally scores of victims of theft, fraud, extortion, violent assault, mental and physical abuse, attempted murder and, according to Patton West’s ex-husband, there may be several victims of murder.  Watson’s case, along with perhaps Dr. Pat Cole’s are the best documented crimes which we will detail below in chronological order with many others.  However I feel it would be useful to illustrate just how dangerous Patton West is by briefly outlining the events that Watson was subjected to after he was defrauded by Patton West in 2002 and after he announced his decision to sue her for fraud in March 2003.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Watson is defrauded in August 2002 in such a ‘matter fact’ way that it was clear to Watson that he was not the first victim.  He announces his decision to go to law in early 2003.  In March 2003 Patton West demands a meeting with Watson at which she admits defrauding him but does not see herself writing out a check for what she owes him.  She further stated that if Watson went to law she will get so f*cking down and dirty, huge expenses coming out of his pocket and not hers (because wealthy members of her cult will pay her legal fees).  Watson recorded the entire meeting on a hidden digital tape recorder.   Between 2003 and when he was awarded judgment in 2008 Watson was subjected to the following tactics.  False witness statements that Patton West forced her employees to write which she intended to use in court against Watson.  Patton West, and members of her cult, posted a series of defamatory statements about Watson on her website.  From December 2006 onwards Watson and his family were subject to a campaign of occult ‘under the radar’ intimidation which is on-going 13 plus years later. 

In January 2007 senior cult member Julio Williams MD wrote a threatening email to Watson in a clumsy and obvious attempt to intimidate him into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West.  Within the email Williams told Watson he was giving Patton West $2,000,000 for her legal fees.  In August 2007 senior cult member Geoffrey Reynolds announced, while giving an interview to a local newspaper, that Watson would be dead within 12 months or in jail for reacting to what Patton West was going to do to him and his family.  Clearly the plan was to either murder Watson or provoke him into reacting to Patton West targeting his wife and children in a way that would send Watson to jail.  The reader might be interested to know that this strategy backfired spectacularly in New Mexico when one victim realizing the police could not help chased Patton West out of the state with a large loaded gun.  A credible attempt to murder Watson occurred several days after Reynolds made his statement.  Watson persevered with his lawsuit which he won in 2008. 

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

In summary over a period of 7 years between 2003 and 2010 Watson was defrauded, was regularly defamed by Patton West, was the subject of a conspiracy by Patton West, Williams & Reynolds to intimidate Watson into dropping his lawsuit against Patton West.  When that failed Patton West, with Reynolds complicity, planned Watson’s murder in 2007 and when that failed Patton West, Williams & Reynolds conspired to bankrupt Watson in 2010.  Williams funded the conspiracy (just as Patton West said would happen in 2003) with Patton West and Reynolds perjuring themselves with their false statements to the court.  Reynolds was a total stranger to Watson but Patton West had Reynolds photo copy her false pleadings to the court and submit them on his behalf effectively doubling her award.  Because Watson could not afford to defend their lies Patton West and Reynolds were each awarded $5,000,000.  Further proof that this conspiracy was entirely orchestrated by Patton West came when Reynolds signed his $5,000,000 civil judgment over to Patton West.

Watson and his family are just one set of victims.  Fraud, Defamation, Violent Intimidation, Attempted Murder and Criminal Conspiracy.  There are scores of victims.

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

The Rishi, Rishi Devra, Devra Patton West, Devra Adi Maa, Omniawakening,

Not copyrighted – Feel free to circulate widely especially
in Sedona & Scottsdale AZ